Young people all around the world can now apply for a fully funded ticket to attend the Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition event in Milan, Italy!
Convened by the Government of Italy, the event will take place from September 28th to 30th and provide young delegates an unprecedented opportunity to put forward ideas and concrete proposals on some of the most pressing issues on the climate agenda. The first two days will be dedicated to working groups, while the last day will feature a discussion between young delegates and the Ministers attending Pre-COP26.
Interested young people can either:
- Submit an application by February 28th, detailing the ways you are working with and leading other young people to advance climate action. Please direct any questions to youthenvoy@un.org.
- Enter the #SumItUp Competition, by submitting a creative sum-up of your favorite #Youth4ClimateLive episode before the March 31st deadline.