Thought leadership

Slum Dwellers: Unwanted in Bangladesh

Tanjila Drishti writes on the recent eviction o... read more

Published on 08/02/2016

I Am Not Illegal, I Am Not a Crime - I Am a Refugee

Taffan Ako Sharif addresses the need to humanis... read more

Published on 07/02/2016

I am not illegal, I am not a crime – I am a refugee

Taffan Taha describes how the open arms of EU b... read more

Published on 29/01/2016

The One Young World Flag Ceremony is important. Here’s why.

Ambassador Harry Davies delves into the importa... read more

Published on 25/01/2016

A better world online and offline

Ambassador Ikuyo Sakai analyses the triumphs an... read more

Published on 25/01/2016

Our Home and Native Land

Ambassador Alicia Raimundo shares a brief intro... read more

Published on 20/01/2016

World Leaders Adopt The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: What Next?

Disaster Risk Reduction expert and Internationa... read more

Published on 18/12/2015

Implementing the Paris Agreement: the real challenge

Donald Bambara represented Burkina Faso at... read more

Published on 17/12/2015

How can we challenge the intolerance that drives conflict?

Learn how members of the One Young World commun... read more

Published on 16/12/2015

My Life in Syria

"Syrians are good people. My country is one of ... read more

Published on 14/12/2015